Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation

Our mission is to energise work for Justice and Peace in our diocese


We support the aim of the Archdiocese to help people grow in faith, live in hope and change our world through love. We do this by sharing the Good News of God’s unconditional love for all people, encouraging supporters to live out the commandment of Jesus: “Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another”. (Jn 13:34)

A key concern is to make known the values of the Church’s social teaching, especially that all are made in God’s image and each deserves opportunities to realise their potential. All desire to live in peace, to find decent work and contribute to the common good of society while advocating for improved conditions for those who are less fortunate and expressing concern for the care of creation.

We want to see people inspired by Scripture and by the Social Gospel, which is integral to the ministry of evangelisation. Each can be inspired by their own faith experience, seeing the wonder of God’s Spirit acting throughout creation and in every human being.

“Action on behalf of justice and participation in the transformation of the world fully appear to us as a constitutive dimension of the preaching of the Gospel, or, in other words, of the Church’s mission for the redemption of the human race and its liberation from every oppressive situation.” (Synod of Bishops, “Justice in the World”, 1971)

Romero Cross - Southwark Cathedral
Get involved - An invitation

Are you concerned about injustice in our world?

Do you know what the Catholic Church says about issues of social justice?

Do you feel the need to take action and make your voice heard?

Do you share our vision of a world in which people live in peace and harmony with one another and with nature, where our common humanity is respected and all can contribute freely to the common good?

Come and find out the facts!


Saint Oscar Romero, Archbishop of San Salvador from 1977 to 1980, was assassinated for speaking out about human rights violations in his country. He was a peacemaker who sacrificed his life by standing up to injustice. 


On the right we see an imagined scene of St Oscar celebrating Mass with his friend Rutilio Grande who was assassinated – a martyr for his faith – less than three weeks after Romero was named as archbishop. Rutilio and three other Salvadorean martyrs were beatified as martyrs in a ceremony on 22 January 2022. His Feast is observed on 12 March.

A Mass in St George’s Cathedral at 12 noon on Saturday August 14 2021 celebrated the 104th birthday of Saint Oscar. The principal celebrant was Bishop Nicholas Hudson (Auxiliary in Westminster). A recording of the Mass is available on the Romero Trust’s You Tube channel https://youtu.be/5rznZwyiab8 and the text of the bishop’s homily can be studied at www.indcatholicnews.com/news/42836
A recording of the 2021 annual London ecumenical service to celebrate his life can be viewed here and photos from the March 2021 Southwark Mass for his Feast Day are here.
… and the occasional book review and blog are  also on that page.
Help in your parish

Would you like support and encouragement?

You only have to ask! Working as a Group is an effective way to make progress. While action for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation is strongly rooted in Catholic Social Teaching, many J&P groups work ecumenically and perhaps with partners from other Faiths.

We are guided by the Scriptures, by the example of Christ’s life and teaching, by the Social Action and Teaching of the Church and by our own faith experiences.

We value:
⁕  love, hope and compassion
⁕  mercy and forgiveness
⁕  solidarity and subsidiarity
⁕  partnership and dialogue
⁕  care for the whole of creation
⁕    simplicity and sustainability of lifestyle
⁕  reconciliation and peace
⁕  the wonders of God’s creation, freely given to all

Romero and Rutilio Grande
Romero Cross - St George's Cathedral
Ways to help

Read our communications and find out more about the issues of injustice that we need to address.
Take action in your own daily life and prayers and find ways of encouraging others to do the same.

Take it further

Sign petitions, write to MPs and decision-makers.
Have a say in radio phone-ins and letters to newspapers.
Join relevant Organisations.

Want to donate?